Haggin Oaks Driving Range – Sacramento, CA
The Haggin Oaks Driving Range boasts one of America’s Top 100 Ranges by Range Magazine. Target greens are strategically located at 75, 100, 150, 175 and 200 yards out in the range and will be listed to exact yardage at each hitting station.
Recent additions to the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex Driving Range include 20,000 square feet of synthetic turf on five state-of-the-art raised target greens. The realistic targets feature Players Turf synthetic grass products, famous for the longest and softest fibers in the industry which are important for appearance, realism, and product longevity. Specialized quartz under the greens resists compacting for realistic reaction and shots that hold the green. Another significant addition includes the installation of Power Tee, a self-teeing system which is one of the most productive and enjoyable practice aids available to a golfer on today’s ranges!
3645 Fulton Avenue – Map It!
Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 481-4653